ActionScript tutorial

ActionScript is the scripting language of Macromedia Flash. A scripting language is a way to communicate with a program; you can use it to tell Flash what to do and to ask Flash what is happening as a movie runs. This two-way communication lets you create interactive movies. In this tutorial, you will examine the tasks involved in creating an interactive puzzle. To complete the ActionScript tutorial, you'll take advantage of Flash 5 features beyond what you learned in the lessons and the Using Flash tutorial, and you'll learn more about creating an interactive movie. The tutorial is designed for Flash users who are ActionScript beginners but who want to work towards advanced abilities. You should already be familiar with basic actions and know how to assign them in the Actions panel. To get the most out of this tutorial, you should first complete the tutorial in the Using Flash manual. You should also be comfortable with the concepts presented in the chapter "Creating Interactive Movies" in the Using Flash manual.
Gradient Frameborder / Bevel & Embos.

ActionScript tutorial

A scripting language is a way to communicate with a program; you can use it to tell Flash and to ask Flash what is happening as a movie runs.

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